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You searched for: Medium: is exactly 'ledger books'
Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
1000Amos Sinclair Ice Company Record Books
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Businesses, Service Business
Box 1 Record book, 1932-1935 Record book, 1944-1946 Record book, 1915-1952
  • 1915-1952
  • 1 box
  • ledger books
Box 1 Record book, 1932-1935 Record book, 1944-1946 Record book, 1915-1952
7182Benjamin Graves Record Books
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Businesses, Building Business
Box 1 Record book A, 1897-1909 Record book B, Oct. 1902-Oct. 1903 Record book C, 1927-1929 Record book D, 1925-1927 Record book E, 1931-1935 Record book F, 1929-1931 Record book G, 1932 Record book H, 1951 Includes database of clients and works (see uploaded pdf file): Information from Benjamin Graves'work done in the village and on Mount Desert Island from around 1897 through 1951. Much of this time was before reinforced concrete was widely adopted, so while the ledger detail includes other materials, "stone" is a common denominator. Labor rates and other local masons names are shown, as well as early rusticators. Bishop Doane, the Episcopal Church, Pres. Eliot and others' work is laid out.
  • 1897-1951
  • 1 box - 8 ledgers
  • ledger books
Box 1 Record book A, 1897-1909 Record book B, Oct. 1902-Oct. 1903 Record book C, 1927-1929 Record book D, 1925-1927 Record book E, 1931-1935 Record book F, 1929-1931 Record book G, 1932 Record book H, 1951 Includes database of clients and works (see uploaded pdf file): Information from Benjamin Graves'work done in the village and on Mount Desert Island from around 1897 through 1951. Much of this time was before reinforced concrete was widely adopted, so while the ledger detail includes other materials, "stone" is a common denominator. Labor rates and other local masons names are shown, as well as early rusticators. Bishop Doane, the Episcopal Church, Pres. Eliot and others' work is laid out. [show more]
2677Jordan Pond House Collection
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Businesses, Restaurant Business
Box 1 Guest Registers, 1894-1900 Guest Registers, 1900-1903 Guest Registers, 1903-1907 Guest Registers, 1907-1910 Box 2 Guest Registers, 1911-1914 Guest Registers, 1915-1919 Guest Registers, 1919-1930 Box 3 Guest Registers, 1924-1927 Guest Registers, 1928-1933 Guest Registers, 1934-1946 Guest Registers, 1947-1956 Research done by Arnold Welles about the history of the Jordan Pond House (Tibbetts Farm), 1 folder --- 'Tea and Popovers Please' by Russell D. Butcher, article from Down East Magazine July 1970, 1 folder
  • 1891-1956
  • 11 books
  • ledger books
Box 1 Guest Registers, 1894-1900 Guest Registers, 1900-1903 Guest Registers, 1903-1907 Guest Registers, 1907-1910 Box 2 Guest Registers, 1911-1914 Guest Registers, 1915-1919 Guest Registers, 1919-1930 Box 3 Guest Registers, 1924-1927 Guest Registers, 1928-1933 Guest Registers, 1934-1946 Guest Registers, 1947-1956 Research done by Arnold Welles about the history of the Jordan Pond House (Tibbetts Farm), 1 folder --- 'Tea and Popovers Please' by Russell D. Butcher, article from Down East Magazine July 1970, 1 folder [show more]
3915Northeast Harbor Library Cash Books
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
1879-1915 Cash Book 1891-1923 Cash Book 1897-1904 Cash Book 1901-1920 Cash Book
  • 4 books
  • ledger books
1879-1915 Cash Book 1891-1923 Cash Book 1897-1904 Cash Book 1901-1920 Cash Book
3916Northeast Harbor Library Statistics
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
1953-1963 Circulation Statistics 1963-1973 Circulation Statistics 1973-1983 Circulation Statistics 1983-1988 Circulation Statistics 1900-1989 Circulation Statistics
  • 4 books
  • ledger books
1953-1963 Circulation Statistics 1963-1973 Circulation Statistics 1973-1983 Circulation Statistics 1983-1988 Circulation Statistics 1900-1989 Circulation Statistics
3914Northeast Harbor Library Subscribers
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
1892- Subscribers 1897-1936 Subscribers 1937-1977 Subscribers 1978-1988 Subscribers
  • 3 books
  • ledger books
1892- Subscribers 1897-1936 Subscribers 1937-1977 Subscribers 1978-1988 Subscribers