1 - 25 of 7392 results
Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
1181A Plan of a Lot of Land at Northeast Harbor for James Clement
  • Document, Projection, Plan
  • Places
  • Other, Land
September 10, 1897 Copied form an original done January 6, 1880
  • Edgar I. Lord
  • 1897
  • 1 sheet
  • tracing paper
September 10, 1897 Copied form an original done January 6, 1880
1037Addition to Cottage of Miss Davidson
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
See also Item 1036.
  • Fred L. Savage
  • Davidson Cottage
  • 13 sheets
  • tracing cloth, tracing paper, blueprint
See also Item 1036.
1255Addition to Hummingbird for Bruce Mazlish and Neva Goodwin
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Elevations, sketches, floor plans, sections, framing, details
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1998
  • Hummingbird
  • 16 sheets
  • 8 mylar, 3 tracing paper, 5 paper vellum
  • great
Elevations, sketches, floor plans, sections, framing, details
1182Addition to Residence of C. L. Frelinghuysen
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
Watercolor image is of "Sunniholme", the John Falt Cottage. The floor plans are of the Frelinghuysen Cottage, "Garden Court" (28 Harborside Road).
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 3 sheets
  • tracing papers
Watercolor image is of "Sunniholme", the John Falt Cottage. The floor plans are of the Frelinghuysen Cottage, "Garden Court" (28 Harborside Road).
1299Addition to Wendell Gilley Museum
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Civic, Exhibition, Museum
Site plan, foundation plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, details, heating, electrical, sketches
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1986-1987
  • 59 sheets
  • 27 mylars, 2 diazo, 23 tracing papers, 8 paper vellum, 1 sepia
  • great
Site plan, foundation plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, details, heating, electrical, sketches
1050Alteration to House for Reverend William Adams Brown
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
Plot Plan of Land at Seal Harbor, ME property for William Adams Brown D. D., 1899, Edgar I. Lord
  • Fred L. Savage, Edgar I. Lord
  • 1900
  • Treetops
  • 18 sheets
  • blueprint, tracing cloth, plot plan
Plot Plan of Land at Seal Harbor, ME property for William Adams Brown D. D., 1899, Edgar I. Lord
1151Alterations to Gilman School for Union Church
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Institutional, School
  • Structures, Ceremonial, Church
  • George Savage
  • 1956
  • 9 sheets
  • blueprints
1373Asticou Inn - New Enclosed Stairway for Northwest Corner
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Inn
Floor plan, electrical notes, section, elevation, structural notes, structural section, existing conditions
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1982-1983
  • 33 sheets
  • 15 mylar, 7 paper vellum, 11 diazo
  • great
Floor plan, electrical notes, section, elevation, structural notes, structural section, existing conditions
1210Birdie Chester's Little Guest House
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Floor plans, elevations Roc's comment: Delightful old friend. Good poet. Wanted a small cottage next to here shore path shingle home for the family to live in while renting the old house.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2011
  • 8 sheets
  • 3 tracing papers, 5 papers
  • great
Floor plans, elevations Roc's comment: Delightful old friend. Good poet. Wanted a small cottage next to here shore path shingle home for the family to live in while renting the old house.
1029"Bungalo" for Mr. Willis Towne
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Bungalow
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 1 sheet
  • tracing cloth
1367Casework Detail for Julia Coleman House
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Other Structures, Architectural Features
north elevation living room
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992
  • 1 sheet
  • 1 paper vellum
  • great
north elevation living room
1214Causeway Club
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Civic, Assembly Hall, Clubhouse
Schematics, sketches Roc's comments: The building committee of the Causeway Club asked us to help them with a master plan. Was some internal conflicts on the committee and a rather crabby man took over driving others away and they did very little of this excellent plan. John Gordon was the project manager and did some of the renderings. He had a great hand.
  • Roc Caivano
  • Aug-93
  • 4 sheets
  • 3 tracing paper, 1 diazo
Schematics, sketches Roc's comments: The building committee of the Causeway Club asked us to help them with a master plan. Was some internal conflicts on the committee and a rather crabby man took over driving others away and they did very little of this excellent plan. John Gordon was the project manager and did some of the renderings. He had a great hand.
1165Clifton Dock
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
Architectural details drawings, elevations, sections
  • George P. Carver, Engineering
  • 1946
  • 19 sheets
  • blueprints
Architectural details drawings, elevations, sections
1154Colonial Cottage near Rock End Hotel
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
Also know as "The Yellow House".
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 1892
  • 5 sheets
  • tracing papers, linen, paper
Also know as "The Yellow House".
1048Cottage for J. G. Thorp Esq.
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
  • Fred L. Savage
  • Ravensthorpe
  • 16 sheets
  • tracing cloth
1090Cottage for Mr. George L. Stebbins
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 1900
  • Hillcrest
  • 14 sheets
  • tracing paper, tracing cloth, paper
1091Cottage for Mr. George L. Stebbins
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 9 sheets
  • tracing cloth
1218Danielson/Angelides Residence Renovations
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Floor plans, lighting plans, elevations, sketches, bed and cabinet details Includes copies of the original drawings by Robert W Patterson in 1966 for Mrs. Philip Wallis. Roc's comments: Jim Wallace asked me to draw the existing plans of his mother's house so that he might sell it. When he offered to pay I said no but when pressed I said my fee would be a box of cigars. Jim called me from the humidor at Dunhills in NYC. When I told him the brand I preferred he said "Holy Shit, I should have paid your fee!" Barbara Danielson bought the house and hired Barb Sassaman and me to renovate it. We enjoyed working for this very creative woman and she became a friend of Sass and mine from then on.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992
  • Sea Swallow
  • 50 sheets
  • 5 mylar, 13 paper vellum, 11 diazo, 21 tracing paper
Floor plans, lighting plans, elevations, sketches, bed and cabinet details Includes copies of the original drawings by Robert W Patterson in 1966 for Mrs. Philip Wallis. Roc's comments: Jim Wallace asked me to draw the existing plans of his mother's house so that he might sell it. When he offered to pay I said no but when pressed I said my fee would be a box of cigars. Jim called me from the humidor at Dunhills in NYC. When I told him the brand I preferred he said "Holy Shit, I should have paid your fee!" Barbara Danielson bought the house and hired Barb Sassaman and me to renovate it. We enjoyed working for this very creative woman and she became a friend of Sass and mine from then on. [show more]
1221Dennis Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Sketches, floor plans, elevations Roc Comments: An addition for daughter of Josephine Ingle who we did a guest house for years earlier. Nice couple who did a very respectful expansion on this house that we originally designed for Ira Levy and Stan Gurell.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2008
  • 28 sheets
  • 3 paper, 25 tracing paper
  • great
Sketches, floor plans, elevations Roc Comments: An addition for daughter of Josephine Ingle who we did a guest house for years earlier. Nice couple who did a very respectful expansion on this house that we originally designed for Ira Levy and Stan Gurell.
1247Equipment Garage at Kenarden
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Outbuildings, Garage
Elevations, sections, floor plans, details Roc's Comments: Small maintenance project for Tris and Ruth Colket. I also helped them research and engineer the restoration of an antique garden platform and trellis which Denis Bracale later took credit for doing?
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1993
  • 2 sheets
  • 1 mylar, 1 paper vellum
  • great
Elevations, sections, floor plans, details Roc's Comments: Small maintenance project for Tris and Ruth Colket. I also helped them research and engineer the restoration of an antique garden platform and trellis which Denis Bracale later took credit for doing?
1173Erection Plan of Platform for Dr. Augustus Thorndike
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Other Structures
  • Megquier & Jones
  • 1913
  • 1 sheet
  • blueprint
1344Godfrey Residence Addition
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Drawings, section, elevation, floor plans, sketches
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992-1993
  • 91 + 1 photo
  • 9 mylar, 35 tracing paper, 38 diazo, 9 paper vellum, 1 photo
  • great
Drawings, section, elevation, floor plans, sketches
1290Guest House at Soundings for Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Guesthouse
Invitation to bid, general notes and requirements, site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections, foundation and framing plans, schedules, electrical, and fixtures Roc's Comments: Charlie Dickey asked me to design this little "camp" guest house for his growing family. The smallest building I have ever done for a client. Did the drawings myself one weekend. Never built.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1995
  • Soundings
  • 18 sheets
  • 18 paper
  • great
Invitation to bid, general notes and requirements, site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections, foundation and framing plans, schedules, electrical, and fixtures Roc's Comments: Charlie Dickey asked me to design this little "camp" guest house for his growing family. The smallest building I have ever done for a client. Did the drawings myself one weekend. Never built.
1233Habermann Residence Addition and Solarium
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Renovation suggestions and computer generated perspectives of various suggestions, schedules, sections, framing plans, floor plans, mechanical, plumbing, electrical Roc's Comments: The Habermanns have an extensive collection of Soderholtz garden urns and wanted a room and outdoor garden area in which to display them. they also wanted to add a master bedroom suite to the north side of their lovely old shingle styled home on Somes Sound. I think we did a good job of giving them the updated functions they requested and respecting the existing structure. They were very pleasant people to work with. Avik Eloyan helped with the drawings and computer work.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2005
  • 59 sheets
  • 51 paper, 5 paper vellum, 3 mylar
  • great
Renovation suggestions and computer generated perspectives of various suggestions, schedules, sections, framing plans, floor plans, mechanical, plumbing, electrical Roc's Comments: The Habermanns have an extensive collection of Soderholtz garden urns and wanted a room and outdoor garden area in which to display them. they also wanted to add a master bedroom suite to the north side of their lovely old shingle styled home on Somes Sound. I think we did a good job of giving them the updated functions they requested and respecting the existing structure. They were very pleasant people to work with. Avik Eloyan helped with the drawings and computer work. [show more]
1234Harris Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Renovation suggestions and computer generated perspectives of various suggestions, schedules, sections, framing plans, floor plans, mechanical, plumbing, electrical
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2001
  • 22 sheets
  • 22 paper vellum
  • great
Renovation suggestions and computer generated perspectives of various suggestions, schedules, sections, framing plans, floor plans, mechanical, plumbing, electrical