51 - 75 of 87 results
You searched for: 'history mount desert island' (all words)
Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
1726Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast
  • Publication, Book
  • Places, Island
Chapters 2 and 3 of Samuel Drake's book which deals with the history, geography, and ecology of Mount Desert Island. Many photographs included.
  • Samuel Adams Drake
  • 1875
  • 19
  • photocopy
Chapters 2 and 3 of Samuel Drake's book which deals with the history, geography, and ecology of Mount Desert Island. Many photographs included.
3898Northeast Harbor Library Newsletters
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
Northeast Harbor Library Newsletters from 1974, 1987, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007-2023 (some issues are missing). Cover: Winter 1974 1. Summer 1987 2. Winter 1987 3. Spring 2001 4. Summer 2004 5. Fall 2005 6. Spring 2007 7. Fall 2007 8. Winter 2008 9. Spring 2008 10. Summer 2008 11. Fall 2008 12. Winter 2009 13. Summer 2009 14. Fall 2009 15. Winter 2010 16. Summer 2010 17. Fall 2010 18. Winter 2011 19. Summer 2011 20. Fall 2011 21. Winter 2012 22. Summer 2012 23. Fall 2012 24. Winter 2013 25. Summer 2013 26. Fall 2013 27. Winter 2014 28. Summer 2014 29. Winter 2015 30. Summer 2015 31. Winter 2016 32. Summer 2016 33. Winter 2017 34. Summer 2017 35. Winter 2018 36. Summer 2018 37. Winter 2019 38. Summer 2019 39. Winter 2020 40. Summer 2020 41. Winter 2021 42. Summer 2021 43. Winter 2022 44. Summer 2022 45. Winter 2023 46. Summer 2023
  • 1974-2022
Northeast Harbor Library Newsletters from 1974, 1987, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007-2023 (some issues are missing). Cover: Winter 1974 1. Summer 1987 2. Winter 1987 3. Spring 2001 4. Summer 2004 5. Fall 2005 6. Spring 2007 7. Fall 2007 8. Winter 2008 9. Spring 2008 10. Summer 2008 11. Fall 2008 12. Winter 2009 13. Summer 2009 14. Fall 2009 15. Winter 2010 16. Summer 2010 17. Fall 2010 18. Winter 2011 19. Summer 2011 20. Fall 2011 21. Winter 2012 22. Summer 2012 23. Fall 2012 24. Winter 2013 25. Summer 2013 26. Fall 2013 27. Winter 2014 28. Summer 2014 29. Winter 2015 30. Summer 2015 31. Winter 2016 32. Summer 2016 33. Winter 2017 34. Summer 2017 35. Winter 2018 36. Summer 2018 37. Winter 2019 38. Summer 2019 39. Winter 2020 40. Summer 2020 41. Winter 2021 42. Summer 2021 43. Winter 2022 44. Summer 2022 45. Winter 2023 46. Summer 2023 [show more]
3922Northeast Harbor Library Scrapbook
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
clippings, postcards
  • 1949-1960
  • Red textured scrapbook
clippings, postcards
3829Plan of French grant on Mount Desert Island
  • Map
Mount Desert: Early history
  • James Peters
  • 1970
  • Rolled reproduction by A.D. Phillips
  • fragile
Mount Desert: Early history
3828Plan of the Western part of Mount Desert Island
  • Map
Mount Desert: Early history
  • Salem Towne
  • 1970
  • Rolled reproduction by A.D. Phillips
  • fragile
Mount Desert: Early history
2264Preliminary Timeline Mount Desert History
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Places, Island
  • Other, History
An historical timeline of Mount Desert from 1590 to 2001. See also Item 1971
  • Memorial Service for Robert R. Pyle
  • 26 typed sheets
  • paper
  • good
An historical timeline of Mount Desert from 1590 to 2001. See also Item 1971
1944Public and Private Realms on Mount Desert.
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Places, Island
A talk presented by Judith S. Goldstein at the Claremont Hotel 8/10/2000, to share some thoughts about the history of Mount Desert and the interaction of Tourists and Residents.
  • Judith S. Goldstein
  • 2000
  • 16
  • typescript
A talk presented by Judith S. Goldstein at the Claremont Hotel 8/10/2000, to share some thoughts about the history of Mount Desert and the interaction of Tourists and Residents.
1509Random Notes on the Early History and Development as a Summer Resort of Mount Desert Island and Particularly Seal Harbor
  • Document, Other Documents
  • Places, Island
  • Businesses, Lodging Business
  • Organizations, Civic
  • Other, History
Typescript about the history of the village improvement society in Seal Harbor, Maine.
  • George L. Stebbins
  • Aug-38
  • 11
  • typescript
Typescript about the history of the village improvement society in Seal Harbor, Maine.
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
Connections: Knowles, Thomas, Thompson, Hinckley, Richards. The Winthrop Fleet of 1630, by Banks, Charles Edward. Richards Genealogy, by Swett, David L. & Wescott, Elizabeth C.
Connections: Knowles, Thomas, Thompson, Hinckley, Richards. The Winthrop Fleet of 1630, by Banks, Charles Edward. Richards Genealogy, by Swett, David L. & Wescott, Elizabeth C.
7184Rivers Clippings Collection Alphabetical Files
  • Publication, Clipping
  • People
  • Places
  • Events
1 filing cabinet containing folders with envelopes, loose articles and clippings about local people, families, organizations and events. Compiled by Lydia Satterlee Rivers, who worked at the Northeast Harbor Library under Robert Pyle. The collection was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Rivers. Files are catalogued by subject. A Abbe Museum Acadia Animal Park Acadia National Park Agnese, Cheryl C. Agnese, Joseph H. Aircraft (historic) Allen, Richard Archeology Artists & Sculptors Ashley, Irving Asticou Inn Astor, Brooke Authors Automobile War B Ballard, Willis H. Bar Harbor Bar Harbor Airlines Bar Harbor Yacht Club Bartlett, Irene Bartlett Island Bass, Robert Beal & Bunker Ferry Beal, David A. Bell, Katie Belmont, Mrs. August Bird Count / MDI Christmas Beamer, Gillian Bigelow, William (Mac) Biological Lab, MDI Blair, Edward McC. Boat Builders Boat Skippers Boats (historic) Bond, James & Mary (Wickham) Bordeaux, Meredith (Bud) Bordeaux, Pearl Bowman, Bob Bryan, Ashley Brzezinsky, Zbigniew Brophy, Keira Brown, Tom Bryant, Roy Bucklin, Horace Burden, William A. M. Burr, Gregory Buildings Businesses, Small Island C Carr, Dennis Caughey, Phil Center Charpentier, Arthur Chasse, Patrick Churches Circus Claremont Hotel Coffin, Ernest L., M.D. Coffin, Steve Cole, Kendra Cole, Mark Coleman, Douglas L., Dr. College of the Atlantic Coombs, Arthur Coombs, Dwight Coombs, Harold Corning, Erastus II Cranberry Club Cranberry Isles Crime Articles Czapowsky, Miro D Damon, Dennis Damon, Herbert L. Dana, Carol Dickey, Charles D. Jr. Donnan, David Dudman, Helen Dudman, Martha Tod Dudman, Richard Durost, David E Eaton, Maxine Eliot, Charles Eliot, Thomas F Fairchild, Julia F. Falt, Gordon Farrand, Beatrix Favour, Edith Favour, Paul Fay, Gertrude Fennelly, Parker Fennelly, William Fernald, Barry Fernald, Jean Fernald, John S. Fires & Fire Equipment Fishing & Fishermen Flagg, Ernest Fremont-Smith, Frances Flye, Flick & Charlotte Frenchboro Foster, Ray & Beatrice G Gardiner, Elizabeth Gates, Thomas S. Jr. Gardens Genealogy Geology Gilley, Mildred Gilley, Wendell Gilpatric, Chadbourne Goriansky, Carola E. Grace, J. Peter Grant, Doris & Carolyn Graves, David Gray, C. Boyden Gray, Inez Great Duck Island Green, Joe Green Mountain Railway H Hadlock, Elmer Hadlock, Wendell S. Hagberg, Karol Hall, Thomas S. Dr. Hamblen, John & Della Hamlin, Clarice & Philip Hamor, Linda A. Hancock County Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations Hansen, Gunnar Harms, John Harrison, Wallace K. Haskell, G. Merrill Haynes, Richard Heckscher, August Heckshire, Claude Higgins, Victor & Ruby Hill, Gerald Hill, Percey History Holmes, Bernard (Bun) Housing, MDI Hylander, Bob I Ice J Jackson Lab Jekyll, Gertrude Jokes Jordan, John Jordan Pond House Jordan, Ruth Joy, Barbara Joy, Lillis K Kelley, Carl E. Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy, Moorhead Kimball, Ben Knowles, Asa Knowles, Lilly Belle Smallidge Knowles Real Estate L Lane, Priscilla (Skippy) Lanpher, Charles W. Lanpher, Juanita Layton, Victor LePage, Laurence Libitzki, Cheryl Library, NEH – Vol. I Library, NEH – Vol. II Library, NEH – Vol. III Art Displays Libraries Liebow, Bob Lighthouses Lippmann, Walter Lunt, Durlin Lynam, Lydia M Maddocks, Grace Mahaney, Kevin Mahaney, Larry K. Maine - Flood of ’87 (April 14, 1987) Maine – 200 years of Maine Housing Maine Coastal Program Maine Sea Coast Mission Massucco, Bart McGiffert, Cushman Rev. MDI Workshop McLean, Phillip & Annie Menzietti, Ivey & Annie Miller, Mimi Salisbury Milliken, Roger Morfit, J. Mason Mount Desert Mount Desert Boys in WWII Mount Desert Festival of Chamber Music Mount Desert Island Mount Desert Public Health Murphy, Maitland Murphy, Maurice Mussetti, Joseph Jr. N Neighborhood House Newman, Kim Newspapers Ninfi, Carlo Nitze, Paul Northeast Harbor O Obituaries P Parady, Bernard (Bernie) Patterson, Barbara N. (Mrs. Robert W. Patterson) Patterson, Robert Peabody, Mary Peck, Louine Peltz, Mrs. John Dewitt Phillips, Augustus Phippen, Les Politics Post Office (Otter Creek) Publishing Pyle, Louisa Pyle, Robert Q Quarries R Railroads Ramsdell, Jay Rand, Henry L. Real Estate Renault, David Rianhard, Richard Richards, Charles L. Richardson, Louise & Doug Rockefeller Family Roth, Hal Russell, Will S Sage, Dewitt Savage, Charles K. Savage, Dianna Savage, Fred Savage, Richard Sawmill in Somesville Schools Scouts Scull, David Seal Harbor Seals Seavey, Jon Serpell, Barry W. Dr. Serpell, Sandra Shaw, Samuel Smallidge, Anne Smallidge, Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Curly) Smallidge, Mazie Smith, Joseph T. Smith, Lucy (Mrs. Richard) Smith, Margaret Chase Smith, Samantha Smith, Stephen & Dennis Solar Houses Somes, Chauncey Somes Sound Somesville Somesville Fire Department Space Spiker, LaRue Sports Spurling, Arthur Spurling, Ted Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Woodbury Stroud, Joan Milliken Suminsby, Kathryn Suminsby, Robert T Tepco Theatre Thomas, Joseph B. IV Townsend, Bill Toy Lending Library (NEH) Tracy, Mrs. Ralph Tracy, Valerie Train, Barbara Tripp, Susan Tyler, Sally V Vinalhaven W Walls, John Walsh, Sean Watras, Victoria Watson, Herb Weinberger, Caspar & Jane Westphal, David Westphal, Gretchen Westphal, Joan Westphal, Mike Westphal, Ruth Whales Wheelock, Morgan Wheelwright, Mary White, Mary H. Dr. Whitehill, Walter Widmerding, John Woman’s Club of Northeast Harbor Wooden Boat Woodward, Charles H. Wright, Jack Wright, Mildred Y Yacht Club, Seal Harbor Young, Nathan Yourcenar, Marguerite Z Zirnkilton, Stephen
  • 1 filing cabinet
  • folders with articles and clippings
1 filing cabinet containing folders with envelopes, loose articles and clippings about local people, families, organizations and events. Compiled by Lydia Satterlee Rivers, who worked at the Northeast Harbor Library under Robert Pyle. The collection was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Rivers. Files are catalogued by subject. A Abbe Museum Acadia Animal Park Acadia National Park Agnese, Cheryl C. Agnese, Joseph H. Aircraft (historic) Allen, Richard Archeology Artists & Sculptors Ashley, Irving Asticou Inn Astor, Brooke Authors Automobile War B Ballard, Willis H. Bar Harbor Bar Harbor Airlines Bar Harbor Yacht Club Bartlett, Irene Bartlett Island Bass, Robert Beal & Bunker Ferry Beal, David A. Bell, Katie Belmont, Mrs. August Bird Count / MDI Christmas Beamer, Gillian Bigelow, William (Mac) Biological Lab, MDI Blair, Edward McC. Boat Builders Boat Skippers Boats (historic) Bond, James & Mary (Wickham) Bordeaux, Meredith (Bud) Bordeaux, Pearl Bowman, Bob Bryan, Ashley Brzezinsky, Zbigniew Brophy, Keira Brown, Tom Bryant, Roy Bucklin, Horace Burden, William A. M. Burr, Gregory Buildings Businesses, Small Island C Carr, Dennis Caughey, Phil Center Charpentier, Arthur Chasse, Patrick Churches Circus Claremont Hotel Coffin, Ernest L., M.D. Coffin, Steve Cole, Kendra Cole, Mark Coleman, Douglas L., Dr. College of the Atlantic Coombs, Arthur Coombs, Dwight Coombs, Harold Corning, Erastus II Cranberry Club Cranberry Isles Crime Articles Czapowsky, Miro D Damon, Dennis Damon, Herbert L. Dana, Carol Dickey, Charles D. Jr. Donnan, David Dudman, Helen Dudman, Martha Tod Dudman, Richard Durost, David E Eaton, Maxine Eliot, Charles Eliot, Thomas F Fairchild, Julia F. Falt, Gordon Farrand, Beatrix Favour, Edith Favour, Paul Fay, Gertrude Fennelly, Parker Fennelly, William Fernald, Barry Fernald, Jean Fernald, John S. Fires & Fire Equipment Fishing & Fishermen Flagg, Ernest Fremont-Smith, Frances Flye, Flick & Charlotte Frenchboro Foster, Ray & Beatrice G Gardiner, Elizabeth Gates, Thomas S. Jr. Gardens Genealogy Geology Gilley, Mildred Gilley, Wendell Gilpatric, Chadbourne Goriansky, Carola E. Grace, J. Peter Grant, Doris & Carolyn Graves, David Gray, C. Boyden Gray, Inez Great Duck Island Green, Joe Green Mountain Railway H Hadlock, Elmer Hadlock, Wendell S. Hagberg, Karol Hall, Thomas S. Dr. Hamblen, John & Della Hamlin, Clarice & Philip Hamor, Linda A. Hancock County Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations Hansen, Gunnar Harms, John Harrison, Wallace K. Haskell, G. Merrill Haynes, Richard Heckscher, August Heckshire, Claude Higgins, Victor & Ruby Hill, Gerald Hill, Percey History Holmes, Bernard (Bun) Housing, MDI Hylander, Bob I Ice J Jackson Lab Jekyll, Gertrude Jokes Jordan, John Jordan Pond House Jordan, Ruth Joy, Barbara Joy, Lillis K Kelley, Carl E. Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy, Moorhead Kimball, Ben Knowles, Asa Knowles, Lilly Belle Smallidge Knowles Real Estate L Lane, Priscilla (Skippy) Lanpher, Charles W. Lanpher, Juanita Layton, Victor LePage, Laurence Libitzki, Cheryl Library, NEH – Vol. I Library, NEH – Vol. II Library, NEH – Vol. III Art Displays Libraries Liebow, Bob Lighthouses Lippmann, Walter Lunt, Durlin Lynam, Lydia M Maddocks, Grace Mahaney, Kevin Mahaney, Larry K. Maine - Flood of ’87 (April 14, 1987) Maine – 200 years of Maine Housing Maine Coastal Program Maine Sea Coast Mission Massucco, Bart McGiffert, Cushman Rev. MDI Workshop McLean, Phillip & Annie Menzietti, Ivey & Annie Miller, Mimi Salisbury Milliken, Roger Morfit, J. Mason Mount Desert Mount Desert Boys in WWII Mount Desert Festival of Chamber Music Mount Desert Island Mount Desert Public Health Murphy, Maitland Murphy, Maurice Mussetti, Joseph Jr. N Neighborhood House Newman, Kim Newspapers Ninfi, Carlo Nitze, Paul Northeast Harbor O Obituaries P Parady, Bernard (Bernie) Patterson, Barbara N. (Mrs. Robert W. Patterson) Patterson, Robert Peabody, Mary Peck, Louine Peltz, Mrs. John Dewitt Phillips, Augustus Phippen, Les Politics Post Office (Otter Creek) Publishing Pyle, Louisa Pyle, Robert Q Quarries R Railroads Ramsdell, Jay Rand, Henry L. Real Estate Renault, David Rianhard, Richard Richards, Charles L. Richardson, Louise & Doug Rockefeller Family Roth, Hal Russell, Will S Sage, Dewitt Savage, Charles K. Savage, Dianna Savage, Fred Savage, Richard Sawmill in Somesville Schools Scouts Scull, David Seal Harbor Seals Seavey, Jon Serpell, Barry W. Dr. Serpell, Sandra Shaw, Samuel Smallidge, Anne Smallidge, Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Curly) Smallidge, Mazie Smith, Joseph T. Smith, Lucy (Mrs. Richard) Smith, Margaret Chase Smith, Samantha Smith, Stephen & Dennis Solar Houses Somes, Chauncey Somes Sound Somesville Somesville Fire Department Space Spiker, LaRue Sports Spurling, Arthur Spurling, Ted Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Woodbury Stroud, Joan Milliken Suminsby, Kathryn Suminsby, Robert T Tepco Theatre Thomas, Joseph B. IV Townsend, Bill Toy Lending Library (NEH) Tracy, Mrs. Ralph Tracy, Valerie Train, Barbara Tripp, Susan Tyler, Sally V Vinalhaven W Walls, John Walsh, Sean Watras, Victoria Watson, Herb Weinberger, Caspar & Jane Westphal, David Westphal, Gretchen Westphal, Joan Westphal, Mike Westphal, Ruth Whales Wheelock, Morgan Wheelwright, Mary White, Mary H. Dr. Whitehill, Walter Widmerding, John Woman’s Club of Northeast Harbor Wooden Boat Woodward, Charles H. Wright, Jack Wright, Mildred Y Yacht Club, Seal Harbor Young, Nathan Yourcenar, Marguerite Z Zirnkilton, Stephen [show more]
7183Rivers Clippings Collection Finding Aid
  • Publication, Clipping
  • People
  • Places
  • Events
1 filing cabinet containing folders with envelopes, loose articles and clippings about local people, families, organizations and events. Articles are not catalogued by year nor subject. Files have been extracted from FileMaker (expect some formatting inaccuracies).
  • 1937-2012
  • 1 filing cabinet
  • folders with articles and clippings
1 filing cabinet containing folders with envelopes, loose articles and clippings about local people, families, organizations and events. Articles are not catalogued by year nor subject. Files have been extracted from FileMaker (expect some formatting inaccuracies).
7338Roc Caivano
  • Document, Recording, Audio Recording
  • People
Elly Andrews interviews 4 of Roc Caivano's close friends from his Yale years: Bob Knight, Peter Woerner, Tom Carey, and Ron Filson. Roc received his BA from Dartmouth College and a Master of Architecture degree from Yale University. He and and wife Helen arrived on MDI in 1974 where he was hired to start a program in Environmental Design at the College of the Atlantic. While at COA, Roc, Barbara Sassaman and Harris Hyman established an office in Southwest Harbor where they were involved in the renovation of the Turrets, a granite shorefront “cottage” designed by Bruce Price and originally built in 1895. They also created the Wendell Gilley Museum, the Somesville bridge and a number of single family residences. For over 45 years Roc Caivano Architects prepared the master plan for Acadia National Park, the renovation and conversion of the Schoodic Navel Station in to the Schoodic National Park Education Center, Acadia’s Fee Station and the Island Explorer Bus Shelter System, the Mary Dow and MDI Hospital Oncology Centers and other medical and educational facilities.
  • 07.10.2021
Elly Andrews interviews 4 of Roc Caivano's close friends from his Yale years: Bob Knight, Peter Woerner, Tom Carey, and Ron Filson. Roc received his BA from Dartmouth College and a Master of Architecture degree from Yale University. He and and wife Helen arrived on MDI in 1974 where he was hired to start a program in Environmental Design at the College of the Atlantic. While at COA, Roc, Barbara Sassaman and Harris Hyman established an office in Southwest Harbor where they were involved in the renovation of the Turrets, a granite shorefront “cottage” designed by Bruce Price and originally built in 1895. They also created the Wendell Gilley Museum, the Somesville bridge and a number of single family residences. For over 45 years Roc Caivano Architects prepared the master plan for Acadia National Park, the renovation and conversion of the Schoodic Navel Station in to the Schoodic National Park Education Center, Acadia’s Fee Station and the Island Explorer Bus Shelter System, the Mary Dow and MDI Hospital Oncology Centers and other medical and educational facilities. [show more]
6194Salisbury genealogy
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
Photocopies of the Mount Desert Island Salisbury families. Taken from the Salisbury family records. Available at Jesup Library. Comb bound book 290 pages.
  • Robert Perry Salisbury
Photocopies of the Mount Desert Island Salisbury families. Taken from the Salisbury family records. Available at Jesup Library. Comb bound book 290 pages.
6200Sawtelle notes
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
  • Organizations, Religious
Notes from a history of the Baptists in Maine as related to Mount Desert Island and Cranberry Isles.
  • William Otis Sawtelle (1874-1939)
  • 7
Notes from a history of the Baptists in Maine as related to Mount Desert Island and Cranberry Isles.
2044Shipbuilding on Mount Desert Island
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
  • Vessels, Ship
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
Copy of Stanley's "History of Shipbuilding on MDI "with a list of vessels built between 1782 and 1902. Several photographs of the boats were added by R. Pyle at the Northeast Harbor library.
  • Ralph Stanley
  • 2010
  • 94
  • typescript
Copy of Stanley's "History of Shipbuilding on MDI "with a list of vessels built between 1782 and 1902. Several photographs of the boats were added by R. Pyle at the Northeast Harbor library.
6102Sieur De Monts National Monument - The White Mountain National Forest
  • Publication, Book
  • Places, Park
Development of what is now Acadia National Park. Article provides history and descriptions of the area covered under the U.S. Monuments Act of 1906. (Scanned copy in part from archive.org)
  • George B. Dorr
  • 1917
  • 64
  • good
Development of what is now Acadia National Park. Article provides history and descriptions of the area covered under the U.S. Monuments Act of 1906. (Scanned copy in part from archive.org)
6372Smallidge, Robert
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
Early History of Mount Desert & Some Early Families.
Early History of Mount Desert & Some Early Families.
6453Snapshot, (1840)
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
History of Census of Mount Desert Island. Maps, Valuations in the town of Mount Desert, Shipping
History of Census of Mount Desert Island. Maps, Valuations in the town of Mount Desert, Shipping
2184Special Millennium Edition, The Bar Harbor Times
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Events, Civic
  • Places, Town
  • Other, History
In December 2000, The Bar Harbor Times published this "Special Millennium Edition" in 2 sections: A (cover-8) and B (9-19). Some of the events covered are "The Timeline of Maine History" (4) and other special events pertaining to the history of Mount Desert Island.
  • The Bar Harbor Times
  • 12/28/2000
  • newspaper
In December 2000, The Bar Harbor Times published this "Special Millennium Edition" in 2 sections: A (cover-8) and B (9-19). Some of the events covered are "The Timeline of Maine History" (4) and other special events pertaining to the history of Mount Desert Island.
6157Sprague's journal of Maine history
  • Publication, Book
  • Places
  • People
  • Organizations, Religious
  • Other, History
Sprague’s Journal of Maine History. 1920 Vol. 7 No. 4 – William Gilley, an early settler of MDI by William O. Sawtelle (p.192-193) 1920 Vol. 8 No. 1 1922 Vol. 10 No. 4 – Father Pierre Biard, Superior of the Mount Desert Jesuit Mission of Saint Sauveur by William O. Sawtelle (p.179-191) 1923 Vol. 11 No. 1 – note on p.41 on Seth Llewellyn Milliken a Representative from Maine, 1857-58 US Congress 1923 Vol. 11 No. 3 1923 Vol. 11 No. 4 1924 Vol. 12 No. 1 1924 Vol. 12 No. 2 1924 Vol. 12 No. 3 1924 Vol. 12 No. 4 (2) – Sir Samuel Argall by William O. Sawtelle (p. 201-221) 1925 Vol. 13 No. 1 1925 Vol. 13 No. 2 1925 Vol. 13 No. 3 1925 Vol. 13 No. 4 1926 Vol. 14 No. 1 1926 Vol. 14 No. 3 1926 Vo. 14 No. 4 – Pioneers of Mount Desert by William O. Sawtelle (p.179-187) Compiled 11/14/2012 by H. Stevens – The Island of Mount Desert by William O. Sawtelle (p.127-144) – 2 copies – Antoinette de Pons by William O. Sawtelle (p.188-195) – The Gilley Family Part One by William O. Sawtelle (p.6-15) – The Gilley Family Part Two by William O. Sawtelle (p.77-84) – Talleyrand’s Oath of Allegiance by William O. Sawtelle (p.147-148) – Sir Samuel Argall by William O. Sawtelle (p.201-221) – The Islesford Historical Collection by Wilfred A. Hennessy – Mount Desert: Champlain to Bernard by William O. Sawtelle (p.131-186) – Historical Thanksgiving at Southwest Harbor (p.27)
Sprague’s Journal of Maine History. 1920 Vol. 7 No. 4 – William Gilley, an early settler of MDI by William O. Sawtelle (p.192-193) 1920 Vol. 8 No. 1 1922 Vol. 10 No. 4 – Father Pierre Biard, Superior of the Mount Desert Jesuit Mission of Saint Sauveur by William O. Sawtelle (p.179-191) 1923 Vol. 11 No. 1 – note on p.41 on Seth Llewellyn Milliken a Representative from Maine, 1857-58 US Congress 1923 Vol. 11 No. 3 1923 Vol. 11 No. 4 1924 Vol. 12 No. 1 1924 Vol. 12 No. 2 1924 Vol. 12 No. 3 1924 Vol. 12 No. 4 (2) – Sir Samuel Argall by William O. Sawtelle (p. 201-221) 1925 Vol. 13 No. 1 1925 Vol. 13 No. 2 1925 Vol. 13 No. 3 1925 Vol. 13 No. 4 1926 Vol. 14 No. 1 1926 Vol. 14 No. 3 1926 Vo. 14 No. 4 – Pioneers of Mount Desert by William O. Sawtelle (p.179-187) Compiled 11/14/2012 by H. Stevens – The Island of Mount Desert by William O. Sawtelle (p.127-144) – 2 copies – Antoinette de Pons by William O. Sawtelle (p.188-195) – The Gilley Family Part One by William O. Sawtelle (p.6-15) – The Gilley Family Part Two by William O. Sawtelle (p.77-84) – Talleyrand’s Oath of Allegiance by William O. Sawtelle (p.147-148) – Sir Samuel Argall by William O. Sawtelle (p.201-221) – The Islesford Historical Collection by Wilfred A. Hennessy – Mount Desert: Champlain to Bernard by William O. Sawtelle (p.131-186) – Historical Thanksgiving at Southwest Harbor (p.27) [show more]
1485Story of Mount Desert Island
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Places, Town
This collection contains Morison's handwritten speech and his edited typed copy of the talk on Mount Desert Island history he gave in 1959 to benefit island libraries. The speech and notes became his book by the same name. Presented by S. E. Morison, 1973.
  • Samuel Eliot Morison
  • 1959
  • 79
  • manuscript
This collection contains Morison's handwritten speech and his edited typed copy of the talk on Mount Desert Island history he gave in 1959 to benefit island libraries. The speech and notes became his book by the same name. Presented by S. E. Morison, 1973.
6166Suminsby Genealogical Records Finding Aid
  • Document, Genealogy Records
  • People
Note what the document is copied from, if available
  • # sheets
Note what the document is copied from, if available
7052Tercentenary of the Landing of the Popham Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec river
  • Publication, Book
  • Events
  • Places
  • Other, History
Tercentenary of the Landing of the Popham Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec river. August 29, 1907. (Scanned copy in part from archive.org)
  • Maine Historical Society
  • 1907
  • 58
  • 1 book
  • fragile
Tercentenary of the Landing of the Popham Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec river. August 29, 1907. (Scanned copy in part from archive.org)
2172The American Century
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Places
  • Other, History
A history of the last 100 years from the pages of the "Ellsworth American", which is a weekly paper produced in Ellsworth, Maine.
  • 12/30/1999
  • newspaper
  • good
A history of the last 100 years from the pages of the "Ellsworth American", which is a weekly paper produced in Ellsworth, Maine.
7359The Champlain Society
  • Reference
  • Organizations
In 1880 Charles Eliot, son of Harvard president Charles W. Eliot, organized the Champlain Society, a group of Harvard undergraduates, to explore Mount Desert Island and study various topics of natural history: botany, ornithology, geology etc. (from Item 2114)
In 1880 Charles Eliot, son of Harvard president Charles W. Eliot, organized the Champlain Society, a group of Harvard undergraduates, to explore Mount Desert Island and study various topics of natural history: botany, ornithology, geology etc. (from Item 2114)