76 - 100 of 465 results
You searched for: Collection: is exactly 'Architectural Drawing Collection'
Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
1429Blagdon Residence (II)
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Floor plan (first floor, ground floor), garage apartment floor plans, elevations, sections, drawings, site plan
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2011
  • Indian Point Road
  • 36 sheets
  • 21 papers, 2 tracing papers, 7 mylars, 6 diazo
  • great
Floor plan (first floor, ground floor), garage apartment floor plans, elevations, sections, drawings, site plan
1212Blair/Tyson Dorms at College of the Atlantic
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Institutional, School
  • Structures, Dwellings, Dormitory
Elevations, floor plans, site plans, sketches, full construction set Roc Caivano, architect; Wells Bacon, student assistant; Lanpher Associates, engineers Roc's comments: Lou Rabineau, COA President asked us to design new dorms for COA. We did some research and learned that groups of 8 or less will take responsibility for their living environment but more than that number ignore their responsibilities to others. So we designed seven separate 8 bed apartments interconnected. The building form followed the real estate divisions of the of the old property lines, the geological shape of the land at the entrance to the Turrets and was meant to evoke images of older 19th century barns and stables and work buildings. The courtyard faced true south and brought fresh air and sun into every room. We came to MDI to work at the newly founded College of the Atlantic in 1974. I did any number of small projects and helped renovate the Turrets during those years but always wanted to do something of substance for them. When we returned from an extended "residency" working as an associate in the Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown firm in Philadelphia, Lou Rabineau, the then president of the college, asked me to design a new dormitory for them. They had come a long way since our earlier struggling days and, I think Lou had a great deal to do with putting them on the right track. Todd Stanley, John Gordon, Wells Bacon and John De Fazio ( a Venturi colleague) all helped with this first large project. I did some research and found that groups of people in units of 8 or less were aware and cared for their common environment so we divided the dormitory into 7, 8 bed living units- each with kitchens common rooms and separated bathrooms on each floor. We oriented the clusters at the entrance to the Turrets where the old carriage house and servant facilities were once placed and treated the building form in the same detail and scale. We prepared the rooms so each got direct sunlight and fresh air and all opened onto a common courtyard. The single rooms were designed to code minimum doubles and the double rooms to code minimum triples which allowed the college to expand from the 56 beds used on a regular basis to a 74 bed capability in an emergency. All of this worked! The building has been the home for close to 2000 young students and survived in excellent form with very little maintenance. One of my proudest accomplishments ever.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1993-1994
  • College of the Atlantic
  • Eden Street
  • 141 sheets
  • 40 paper vellum, 4 diazo, 1 paper, 28 tracing paper, 1 sepia, 67 mylar
Elevations, floor plans, site plans, sketches, full construction set Roc Caivano, architect; Wells Bacon, student assistant; Lanpher Associates, engineers Roc's comments: Lou Rabineau, COA President asked us to design new dorms for COA. We did some research and learned that groups of 8 or less will take responsibility for their living environment but more than that number ignore their responsibilities to others. So we designed seven separate 8 bed apartments interconnected. The building form followed the real estate divisions of the of the old property lines, the geological shape of the land at the entrance to the Turrets and was meant to evoke images of older 19th century barns and stables and work buildings. The courtyard faced true south and brought fresh air and sun into every room. We came to MDI to work at the newly founded College of the Atlantic in 1974. I did any number of small projects and helped renovate the Turrets during those years but always wanted to do something of substance for them. When we returned from an extended "residency" working as an associate in the Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown firm in Philadelphia, Lou Rabineau, the then president of the college, asked me to design a new dormitory for them. They had come a long way since our earlier struggling days and, I think Lou had a great deal to do with putting them on the right track. Todd Stanley, John Gordon, Wells Bacon and John De Fazio ( a Venturi colleague) all helped with this first large project. I did some research and found that groups of people in units of 8 or less were aware and cared for their common environment so we divided the dormitory into 7, 8 bed living units- each with kitchens common rooms and separated bathrooms on each floor. We oriented the clusters at the entrance to the Turrets where the old carriage house and servant facilities were once placed and treated the building form in the same detail and scale. We prepared the rooms so each got direct sunlight and fresh air and all opened onto a common courtyard. The single rooms were designed to code minimum doubles and the double rooms to code minimum triples which allowed the college to expand from the 56 beds used on a regular basis to a 74 bed capability in an emergency. All of this worked! The building has been the home for close to 2000 young students and survived in excellent form with very little maintenance. One of my proudest accomplishments ever. [show more]
1316Blue Spruce, Asticou Inn
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Inn
Floor plans, elevations, notes, balcony details
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1986
  • Blue Spruce
  • Asticou Inn
  • 9 sheets
  • 7 diazo, 2 mylar
  • great
Floor plans, elevations, notes, balcony details
1352Bourassa House
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
drawings, sketches, notes
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1995
  • 10 sheets
  • 9 tracing paper, 1 paper (notes)
  • great
drawings, sketches, notes
1390Brownie's Camp Lake House
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwelling, Camp House
Location: Long Pond mechanical, electrical and plumbing floor plan, elevations and sections, building sections, roof plan, pier-foundation plan,
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2006
  • Mount Desert, Maine
  • 14 sheets
  • 14 papers
  • great
Location: Long Pond mechanical, electrical and plumbing floor plan, elevations and sections, building sections, roof plan, pier-foundation plan,
1018Building for William Ward
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Commercial, Commercial Structures
  • Fred L. Savage
  • Manset, Southwest Harbor
  • 16 sheets
  • tracing papers, papers
1029"Bungalo" for Mr. Willis Towne
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Bungalow
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 1 sheet
  • tracing cloth
1028Bungalow for Miss Nellie Butler
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Bungalow
  • Fred L. Savage
  • Milbrook Road
  • 3 sheets
  • tracing cloths, blueprints
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Bungalow
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 2 sheets
  • tracing cloth, tracing paper
1385Burkart Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
floor plan, site plan, sketches, foundation plan, foundation details, elevations, sections, door and window schedules, kitchen plan, plumbing plan, electrical plan,
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992
  • Harriman Point Rd., Brooklin, Maine
  • 90 sheets
  • 14 mylar, 40 tracing papers, 21 paper vellum, 15 diazo
  • great
floor plan, site plan, sketches, foundation plan, foundation details, elevations, sections, door and window schedules, kitchen plan, plumbing plan, electrical plan,
1213Burkhart Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
library cabinet elevations, elevations, site plan, floor plan Roc's comments: Two delightful older retired people from New York State. Mrs. Burkhardt loved Japanese architecture and brought a number of books to the office. We had a great time working together and they lived their remaining years together in their dream house. I think we did this one in early 2000.
  • Roc Caivano
  • Harriman Point Road, Brooklin
  • 8 sheets
  • 6 tracing paper, 2 paper vellum
library cabinet elevations, elevations, site plan, floor plan Roc's comments: Two delightful older retired people from New York State. Mrs. Burkhardt loved Japanese architecture and brought a number of books to the office. We had a great time working together and they lived their remaining years together in their dream house. I think we did this one in early 2000.
1346Butler House Renovation
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
drawings, elevation, section, floor plan
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992
  • 20 sheets
  • 8 tracing paper, 11 mylar, 1 paper
  • great
drawings, elevation, section, floor plan
1055Camp for Edwin Corning
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwelling, Camp House
See also item 2457 (GHC 262).
  • Fred L. Savage
  • Corning's Point
  • 1 sheet
  • tracing cloth
  • fragile
See also item 2457 (GHC 262).
1367Casework Detail for Julia Coleman House
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Other Structures, Architectural Features
north elevation living room
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1992
  • 1 sheet
  • 1 paper vellum
  • great
north elevation living room
1214Causeway Club
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Civic, Assembly Hall, Clubhouse
Schematics, sketches Roc's comments: The building committee of the Causeway Club asked us to help them with a master plan. Was some internal conflicts on the committee and a rather crabby man took over driving others away and they did very little of this excellent plan. John Gordon was the project manager and did some of the renderings. He had a great hand.
  • Roc Caivano
  • Aug-93
  • 4 sheets
  • 3 tracing paper, 1 diazo
Schematics, sketches Roc's comments: The building committee of the Causeway Club asked us to help them with a master plan. Was some internal conflicts on the committee and a rather crabby man took over driving others away and they did very little of this excellent plan. John Gordon was the project manager and did some of the renderings. He had a great hand.
1422Claremont Hotel Cottages
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Tourist Cottage
Foundation plan, first floor framing, second floor framing, floor plans, elevations, building sections, interior elevations, bracket template, schedules bracket detail, window/door details, site plan.
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2002-2003
  • The Claremont Hotel
  • Claremont Road, Southwest Harbor, Maine
  • 15 sheets
  • 13 paper vellum, 1 diazo, 1 tracing paper
  • great
Foundation plan, first floor framing, second floor framing, floor plans, elevations, building sections, interior elevations, bracket template, schedules bracket detail, window/door details, site plan.
1400Clemens Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Foundation & details, roof framing & details, elevation
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2003
  • 4 sheets
  • 4 paper vellum
  • great
Foundation & details, roof framing & details, elevation
1165Clifton Dock
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
Architectural details drawings, elevations, sections
  • George P. Carver, Engineering
  • 1946
  • 19 sheets
  • blueprints
Architectural details drawings, elevations, sections
1166Clifton Dock Waiting Room and Store
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Transportation, Marine Landing, Dock
  • Structures, Commercial, Store
Elevations, floor plan
  • Saltonstall & Morton Architects
  • 1946
  • 3 sheets
  • blueprints
Elevations, floor plan
1391Coggins Addition and Renovation
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Floor plan, exterior elevations, foundation plan, foundation details and notes, framing plans, roof plans
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2006
  • 12 sheets
  • 12 papers
  • great
Floor plan, exterior elevations, foundation plan, foundation details and notes, framing plans, roof plans
1325Colket Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
sketches, elevations, floors plans, electrical, plumbing, sections
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2009
  • Salisbury Cove
  • 76 tracing papers, 18 mylars
  • great
sketches, elevations, floors plans, electrical, plumbing, sections
1379Collier House - Guest Cottage
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Tourist Cottage
floor plan, elevation
  • Roc Caivano
  • 1997
  • Route 102, Townhill, Maine
  • 5 sheets
  • 5 paper vellum
  • great
floor plan, elevation
1154Colonial Cottage near Rock End Hotel
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
Also know as "The Yellow House".
  • Fred L. Savage
  • 1892
  • 5 sheets
  • tracing papers, linen, paper
Also know as "The Yellow House".
1308Conant Residence
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
sketches, elevations, floor plans, topographic site plan John and Emily Conant
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2007
  • Mount Desert
  • 7 sheets
  • 6 tracing papers, 1 paper
  • great
sketches, elevations, floor plans, topographic site plan John and Emily Conant
1251Construction plans for an addition to the home of Mark and Yue Ying Bloomer
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
elevations, floor plans
  • Roc Caivano
  • 2006
  • Fort Fairfield, ME
  • 1 sheet
  • 1 mylar
  • great
elevations, floor plans