1 - 25 of 27 results
You searched for: Type: is exactly 'Document, Administrative Records'
Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
7854Appraisal of Personal Property Belonging to Joseph H. Curtis at NE Harbor Maine
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Other, Household Items
List of items in the Lodge at the time of death, 1928, of Joseph Curtis. All of the items have an appraised value in the inventory. All of these items were with the property when it was conveyed to the Town of Mount Desert.
  • Boomer, J. Robert
  • 1928
  • Good
List of items in the Lodge at the time of death, 1928, of Joseph Curtis. All of the items have an appraised value in the inventory. All of these items were with the property when it was conveyed to the Town of Mount Desert.
8039Asticou Terraces Invoices - 1930
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1930" Contains 9 invoices for services provided for the property in 1930
  • Charles K. Savage
  • 1930
  • Poor
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1930" Contains 9 invoices for services provided for the property in 1930
8040Asticou Terraces Invoices - 1931
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1931" Contains 35 invoices for services provided and purchases for the property in 1931.
  • Charles K. Savage
  • 1931
  • Poor
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1931" Contains 35 invoices for services provided and purchases for the property in 1931.
8037Asticou Terraces Invoices - 1934
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1934" Contains 49 invoices for services and purchases for 1934 Year that the Pump House was built
  • Charles K. Savage
  • 1934
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1934" Contains 49 invoices for services and purchases for 1934 Year that the Pump House was built
8038Asticou Terraces Invoices - 1935
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1935" Contains 43 invoices for services and purchases during 1935
  • Charles K. Savage
  • 1935
  • Poor
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1935" Contains 43 invoices for services and purchases during 1935
8036Asticou Terraces Invoices - 1936
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Businesses, Other Business
  • Places, Garden
  • Nature, Plants
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1936". Contains 66 invoices for services and purchases during 1936. Includes extensive invoice for William Miller with an extensive list of plants that were purchased during 1936. Invoice also includes labor for installing a rock garden and terraces. Copy made of the plant list given to Carole O'Donnell for possible use in the garden today
  • Charles K. Savage
  • 1936
A file folder with a label "Asticou Terraces Invoices 1936". Contains 66 invoices for services and purchases during 1936. Includes extensive invoice for William Miller with an extensive list of plants that were purchased during 1936. Invoice also includes labor for installing a rock garden and terraces. Copy made of the plant list given to Carole O'Donnell for possible use in the garden today
8023Asticou Terraces: Check register 1930 - 1955
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A typewritten, bound book that contains a listing of all income and expenses of the Asticou Terraces Trust for the period 1930 - 1955. This was probably completed by Charles K. Savage, or under his supervision.
  • Charles K. Savage
  • Good
A typewritten, bound book that contains a listing of all income and expenses of the Asticou Terraces Trust for the period 1930 - 1955. This was probably completed by Charles K. Savage, or under his supervision.
7616Charles K. Savage Memorial Dedication, August 8, 1980
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Events
Invitation, handwritten and typewritten notes, letters, and correspondence related to the organization and dedication of the Charles K. Savage Memorial Plaque at Thuya Gardens, August 8, 1980. Contains among the records correspondence with J. Brooke Roberts, carver of the slate plaque, and August Heckscher, designer of the invitation and memorial leaflet created for the ceremony. Cover: Invitation 1. Program 2. List of invitees 3. Sketch of proposed tablet design 4. Correspondence
  • Various
  • 1980
  • Excellent
Invitation, handwritten and typewritten notes, letters, and correspondence related to the organization and dedication of the Charles K. Savage Memorial Plaque at Thuya Gardens, August 8, 1980. Contains among the records correspondence with J. Brooke Roberts, carver of the slate plaque, and August Heckscher, designer of the invitation and memorial leaflet created for the ceremony. Cover: Invitation 1. Program 2. List of invitees 3. Sketch of proposed tablet design 4. Correspondence [show more]
1921Director's Records for the Northeast Harbor Land Company
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • M. L. Allen
  • 3-29-1902 to 10-18-1923
  • 38
  • manuscript
7830Financial Records, Asticou Azalea Garden, 1990-1991
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Garden
A copy of a list of donors and the restrictions on their donations for the Asticou Azalea Garden, 1990-1991. Copy available upon request
  • Beth Straus
  • 1990
  • 2
  • Good
A copy of a list of donors and the restrictions on their donations for the Asticou Azalea Garden, 1990-1991. Copy available upon request
2256Fire Records
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Events, Fire
A notebook containing State of Maine, Chapter 98, Public Laws of 1895, and records of fires 1895-1905.
  • 1895-1905
A notebook containing State of Maine, Chapter 98, Public Laws of 1895, and records of fires 1895-1905.
1945Gardiner Information
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Road
  • Structures, Civic, Sports Structure, Swimming Pool
  • Organizations, Civic
  • Places, Town
Gardiner Information regarding the Northeast Harbor Water Co., the Northeast Harbor Swimming Pool, Sound Road and other information of the early 1900's in Northeast Harbor.
  • ca. 1900
  • 13
  • typescript, manuscript
  • fair
Gardiner Information regarding the Northeast Harbor Water Co., the Northeast Harbor Swimming Pool, Sound Road and other information of the early 1900's in Northeast Harbor.
2278Gilman High School Collection Class Records
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations, School Institution
Box 3 1915-19XX Class Records
  • 1 ledger book
Box 3 1915-19XX Class Records
7529Inventory & Appraisal: Thuya Lodge Asticou Terraces
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
  • Other, Household Items
Three different dated inventories of the contents of Thuya Lodge, created for Paul Favour, Trustee. The three inventories use the same list and have valuations for 1969, 1977, and 1981. This record includes two separate inventories and appraisals created by A.G. Goodrich, Appraiser: August 15, 1969 and September 17, 1977. It was used in subsequent years for a property inventory and for insurance purposes.
  • Goodrich, A.G.
  • 1969, 1977
  • Good
Three different dated inventories of the contents of Thuya Lodge, created for Paul Favour, Trustee. The three inventories use the same list and have valuations for 1969, 1977, and 1981. This record includes two separate inventories and appraisals created by A.G. Goodrich, Appraiser: August 15, 1969 and September 17, 1977. It was used in subsequent years for a property inventory and for insurance purposes.
6190Mount Desert Shipping
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Vessels, Ship
  • Businesses, Other Business
Lists of ships, tonnages and owners in Mount Desert 10 pages stapled or taped with 2 loose sheets
Lists of ships, tonnages and owners in Mount Desert 10 pages stapled or taped with 2 loose sheets
1704Northeast Harbor Golf Club
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations, Civic, Club
  • Places, Golf Course
Assorted letters, notes, and voting slips of members of the Northeast Harbor Golf Club regarding stock shares of that organization.
  • 1974-1978
Assorted letters, notes, and voting slips of members of the Northeast Harbor Golf Club regarding stock shares of that organization.
3935Northeast Harbor Water Company Collection
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Town
  • Organizations, Civic, Municipal
Box 1 Correspondence: 1 folder Meeting Minutes: 1 folder Charter/Acts/Deeds: 1 folder Stockholders: 1 folder Financial Records/Reports: 1 folder Maine Franchise Tax Reports: 1 folder Accounting Reports: 1 folder Company Inventory: 1 folder Correspondence Regarding Joy Contract: 1 folder Trustee Indentures: 1 folder Company Mortgage/Deed: 1 folder Attorney Reports: 1 folder Deeds and Paperwork Regarding Lower Hadlock Land: 1 folder Public Utilities Commission Petitions and Accounts: 1 folder Lot Maps and Water Main: 1 folder Maps: 1 folder Report on Lower Hadlock Pond Dam and Associated Work Report on Improvements to Water Supply Box 2 Various Deeds, Indentures, and other legal documents between the Northeast Harbor Water Company and local land owners
  • 2 boxes
  • papers, plot plans
Box 1 Correspondence: 1 folder Meeting Minutes: 1 folder Charter/Acts/Deeds: 1 folder Stockholders: 1 folder Financial Records/Reports: 1 folder Maine Franchise Tax Reports: 1 folder Accounting Reports: 1 folder Company Inventory: 1 folder Correspondence Regarding Joy Contract: 1 folder Trustee Indentures: 1 folder Company Mortgage/Deed: 1 folder Attorney Reports: 1 folder Deeds and Paperwork Regarding Lower Hadlock Land: 1 folder Public Utilities Commission Petitions and Accounts: 1 folder Lot Maps and Water Main: 1 folder Maps: 1 folder Report on Lower Hadlock Pond Dam and Associated Work Report on Improvements to Water Supply Box 2 Various Deeds, Indentures, and other legal documents between the Northeast Harbor Water Company and local land owners [show more]
7587Policies of use of the Lodge, Dock, Garden and other Trust Faciities
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Garden
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
A copy of a draft of a two page typewritten draft of a set of policies for use of the Lodge, Dock, Garden and other Trust Facilities. Includes an event policy that was in use during the trusteeship of Denholm Jacobs. Probably submitted to the Thuya Committee ("council") for their approval. Date unknown but probably early 1990's.
  • Denholm Jacobs
  • Unknown
A copy of a draft of a two page typewritten draft of a set of policies for use of the Lodge, Dock, Garden and other Trust Facilities. Includes an event policy that was in use during the trusteeship of Denholm Jacobs. Probably submitted to the Thuya Committee ("council") for their approval. Date unknown but probably early 1990's.
7726Record of Meeting
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A Record of a combined Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 28, 1957. The minutes of the meeting are acompanied by a summary of a talk given to the group assmebled by Professor H. Leland Vaughan, head of the Dept. of Landscape Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. Meeting held at Garland Farm.
  • Beatrix Farrand
  • 1957
  • Fair
A Record of a combined Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 28, 1957. The minutes of the meeting are acompanied by a summary of a talk given to the group assmebled by Professor H. Leland Vaughan, head of the Dept. of Landscape Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. Meeting held at Garland Farm.
7727Record of Meeting
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A Record of Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 29, 1951. There are 2 copies of the meeting minutes -- each with a different amount for the Treasurer's report. Perhaps the first minutes were revised before being accepted. Two meetings held. One fo the Max Farrand Memorial and one for the Reef Point Gardens Corporation.
  • Beatrix Farrand
  • 1951
  • 4
  • Fair
A Record of Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 29, 1951. There are 2 copies of the meeting minutes -- each with a different amount for the Treasurer's report. Perhaps the first minutes were revised before being accepted. Two meetings held. One fo the Max Farrand Memorial and one for the Reef Point Gardens Corporation.
7728Record of Meeting
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations
  • Places, Garden
A Record of Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 30, 1950. Meetings are one of the first of the organization. Two meetings held. One fo the Max Farrand Memorial and one for the Reef Point Gardens Corporation.
  • Beatrix Farrand
  • 1950
  • 2
  • Fair
A Record of Meeting of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation, dated August 30, 1950. Meetings are one of the first of the organization. Two meetings held. One fo the Max Farrand Memorial and one for the Reef Point Gardens Corporation.
7729Record of Meeting
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Garden
  • Businesses, Other Business
A Record of Meeting dated August 22, 1955, of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation. Minutes of the meeting are in the record. Minutes relate to the dissolution and disbursement of the assets of the 2 entities. It is this meeting that enabled the Reef Point possessions to be passed to another entity and plans for same are in this document. Mention of gifts that were to be returned are in the meeting minutes.
  • Beatrix Farrand
  • 1955
  • 4
  • Fair
A Record of Meeting dated August 22, 1955, of members and Directors of the Max Farrand Memorial and the Reef Point Gardens Corporation. Minutes of the meeting are in the record. Minutes relate to the dissolution and disbursement of the assets of the 2 entities. It is this meeting that enabled the Reef Point possessions to be passed to another entity and plans for same are in this document. Mention of gifts that were to be returned are in the meeting minutes. [show more]
7730Record of Meeting
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Places, Garden
A typewritten "Record of Meeting" of the Max Farrand Trust and Reef Point Gardens 5 pages Distributed to Directors after the Annual Meeting of August 29, 1956
  • Isabelle Stover
  • 1956
  • 5
  • Good
A typewritten "Record of Meeting" of the Max Farrand Trust and Reef Point Gardens 5 pages Distributed to Directors after the Annual Meeting of August 29, 1956
7542Records of 11 works of Joseph Curtis held in the Harvard Univ. Library Collection
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Other, Literature
A one page list printed from the Hollis Catalog online, Harvard University. This list is a record of the 11 materials that are held in the University collections, including plans, maps, manuscripts, and books by Joseph Henry Curtis.
  • Harvard University Library
  • 2007
  • photocopy
  • Fair
A one page list printed from the Hollis Catalog online, Harvard University. This list is a record of the 11 materials that are held in the University collections, including plans, maps, manuscripts, and books by Joseph Henry Curtis.
7827Records of the Homer Lucas Landscape Award, 1993
  • Document, Administrative Records
  • Organizations, Civic
  • Places, Garden
A set of letters, news releases, invitations, guest lists, and other information associated with the award of the Homer Lucas Landscape Award of the New England Wild Flower Society , June 26, 1993
  • Various
  • 1993
  • Good
A set of letters, news releases, invitations, guest lists, and other information associated with the award of the Homer Lucas Landscape Award of the New England Wild Flower Society , June 26, 1993