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Item Title Type Subject Description Creator Date Property Name Street Pages Medium Condition
1534Frances H. Eliot - "Her Book and Heart" (1871-1954)
  • Publication, Literary, Memoir
  • Other, History
  • People
Collection of essays by Frances H. Eliot spanning the years 1871-1954: - Education - Early days at Northeast Harbor - Being a minister’s wife in Denver - An American family at breakfast in the early nineteen hundreds - Borrowed daughters - Leisure - 1941 Inauguration - Golden wedding of S. A. E. and F. H. E. (October 22, 1889-1939) - The glory that is Cambridge - The romance of street names in Cambridge - Patriarchal picnics - I remember Mount Desert
  • Frances H. Eliot
  • bound typescript
Collection of essays by Frances H. Eliot spanning the years 1871-1954: - Education - Early days at Northeast Harbor - Being a minister’s wife in Denver - An American family at breakfast in the early nineteen hundreds - Borrowed daughters - Leisure - 1941 Inauguration - Golden wedding of S. A. E. and F. H. E. (October 22, 1889-1939) - The glory that is Cambridge - The romance of street names in Cambridge - Patriarchal picnics - I remember Mount Desert [show more]